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  • NOSTA Group
  • Road
  • Logistics
  • Sea & Air
  • Rail
  • Warehousing

Customer Information

Renaming of NOSTA Logistiek B.V.

Dear Sir or Madam,

As part of the ongoing internationalization of our company, we have decided to change our trading name from NOSTA Logistiek B.V. into NOSTA Logistics B.V. Being a global business we believe this better reflects our service offerings to our customers and partners.

The name change has become effective as from May 15th 2019.

We would like to emphasize that the change is only in the name, our current business structure remains the same. The same applies for our office address, banking details, tax ID number and all other business data, therefore we kindly request you to only alter our trading name in your data base.

Obviously all existing contracts and agreements will remain valid.

Any new orders can be directed to our team via the existing telephone numbers and / or email addresses, however please do refer to NOSTA Logistics B.V. as supplier and / or vendor from now on.

Thank you in advance for your kind attention. We are looking forward to successful business continuation and remain,

Yours faithfully,

Harrold Dost
-Managing Director of NOSTA Logistics B.V.-

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