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Nicolas Gallenkamp receives LEO Award

Deutsche Verkehrszeitung (DVZ) has presented Nicolas Gallenkamp, CEO of NOSTA Group and founder and board member of the "Blut transportiert e.V." (Blood transports) initiative, with the LEO Award in the "Entrepreneur" category. The Hamburg-based magazine is considered to be the most important newspaper in the logistics industry. Accordingly, the joy is great for the award winner and his NOSTA family.

"Without my two families, the private one at home and the professional one at NOSTA, my friends and many other supporters, I would certainly never have been able to reach this milestone," Gallenkamp thanked his entire support network. The award was presented in the historic courtyard of the Museum of Hamburg History for the 16th time overall.

Nicolas Gallenkamp was honored at the award ceremony for managing to link entrepreneurial success and social responsibility in a special way. Since joining the management board in 2016, Gallenkamp has succeeded in creating the structures for future growth. In addition to managing the logistics company, he built up the "Blut transportiert" initiative, which uses tissue typing and donation campaigns in the logistics industry to fight diseases of the blood-forming system.

The initiative's work is paying off by now: more than 50 companies and organizations are part of the widespread network as supporters and partners. In May 2023, Federal Minister of Transport Dr. Volker Wissing assumed patronage of the initiative. And the aim is to achieve much more in the logistics sector: "The "Blood Transported" initiative aims to save lives and at the same time make logistics more visible," says Gallenkamp.

A detailed DVZ portrait of Nicolas Gallenkamp can be found here (GERMAN): https://www.dvz.de/rubriken/logistik/detail/news/leo-gewinner-nicolas-gallenkamp.html  

An overview of the LEO Awards can be found here (GERMAN): https://www.dvz.de/sonderseiten/leo-awards-2023/news/dvz-gala-2023-logistik-ist-den-leo-preistraegern-ein-fest.html


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